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The Longo Firm P.A.

Florida’s Pip Emergency Medical Condition 14-day Rule Explained

  • By: Micah Longo, Esq.
  • Published: May 13, 2017
Florida’s Pip Emergency Medical Condition 14-day Rule Explained

In this article I’m going to explain Florida’ PIP emergency medical condition (“EMC”) 14-day rule.  Suppose you go to the ER immediately after an accident, but don’t see another doctor until 20-days later.  Are you entitled to the full $10,000 in PIP benefits?

Initial Treatment:  14-Day Rule

In Florida, you have 14-days to seek “initial treatment” after an accident to get the full $10,000 of PIP benefits.  The key phrase is initial treatment.  Initial treatment can be with a chiropractor, medical doctor, emergency room, or urgent care clinic.   You’ll still need a certification from a doctor (other than a chiropractor) confirming you’ve suffered an emergency medical condition (“EMC”).  An EMC certification doesn’t have to be issued within 14-days, only initial treatment.  Often times a patient goes to the ER after an accident but doesn’t follow-up with another doctor for weeks.  Usually this is because the patient hopes their pain goes away.  As long as treatment starts within 14-days, and you get an EMC certification you should receive full PIP benefits.


If you see a chiropractor within 14-days after an accident (an no other doctors) you’ll still most likely be covered under the 14-day rule.  You’ll still need a doctor to issue an EMC certification because chiropractors CANNOT issue an EMC certification.  Yet, Chiropractors CAN certified that you DO NOT have an EMC.   I don’t understand the logic, but that’s the law.  If you treat with a chiropractor first, you can still get full PIP benefits, as long as you get an EMC certification.  There is no time limit on getting an EMC certification in Florida.

For More Information

For more information about this an other issues involving car accidents in Florida view our car accident articles and car accident videos. Micah J. Longo The Longo Firm, P.A. 12555 Orange Drive, Ste. 233 Davie, FL 33330 Tel: (954) 862-3608

Micah Longo, Esq.

Attorney Micah Longo is the founding member
and managing attorney of The Longo Firm. A
Pennsylvania native, Micah Longo...Read More