Personal Injury
If you’re hurt in an accident call The Longo Firm for a free personal injury consultation. The Longo Firm will provide the representation you need, with the personalized care you deserve!
The Longo Firm has successfully handled hundreds of personal injury cases throughout the state of Florida. We understand how the insurance companies work and use this knowledge to our advantage. At the end of the day, our main mission is to get our clients the most money possible. PERIOD.
How Long Do Personal Injury Claims Typically Take To Get Resolved?
Some personal injury cases resolve within a week or so, while others can take several years. One of the main determining factors of how long it will take to reach a resolution is the time it takes for you to reach maximum medical improvement, which is when medical professionals determine that you cannot improve any further, despite any type or amount of medical treatment. Other factors that determine the length of a case include the number of doctors you see, the amount of time it takes to compile the medical records and bills, and the court schedules. I generally advise clients to expect their cases to last anywhere between six months and one year, but it can vary greatly…Read More
General Information:
- Closing Thoughts And Choosing The Right Personal Injury Attorney
- Medical Treatment And Documentation
- Gathering Evidence, Building A Strong Case
- The Initial Consultation And What To Expect
- What Constitutes A Personal Injury?
- What Is A Personal Injury Claim?
- To Give Or Not To Give… An Insurance Company Your Medical Records?
- Advanced Insurance Company Tactics: Experts Witnesses And Cutthroat Negotiations
- Taking The Blame Game Too Far: When Insurance Companies Dodge Personal Injury Claims
- Insurance Investigations: Gathering Information To Undermine Personal Injury Claims
- Statute Of Limitations For Personal Injury Cases In Florida
- Will Insurance Companies Give Me A Fair Settlement Offer The First Time Around?
- Does Simply Having A Personal Injury Attorney Involved Tend To Make Insurance Companies Evaluate My Case Or Claim Differently Than If I Were Going It Alone?
- Will Going To Trial Affect The Overall Costs Of The Personal Injury Process As Well As My Settlement?
- What Is Your Background And History In Personal Injury Law?
- What Are Some Of The Most Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases That Your Firm Handles?
- What Happens From The Time Someone Sustains An Injury To The Time They File A Personal Injury Claim?
- Will The Insurance Company Make A Fair Offer The First Time Around?
- How Does Having An Attorney Affect The Way Insurance Companies Evaluate A Plaintiff’s Claim?
- How Often Do Personal Injury Cases Actually End Up Going All The Way To Trial?
- What Steps Are Necessary In Order To Proceed To Trial With A Personal Injury Case?
- What Is The Discovery Process In A Personal Injury Case?
- Will A Personal Injury Case Go Before A Judge Or A Jury, And Does The Plaintiff Have A Say In The Matter?
- If A Personal Injury Case Goes To Trial, What Should The Plaintiff Expect?
- Who Will Be Present At A Jury Trial?
- How Can a Plaintiff Prepare To Be Questioned By The Defendant’s Counsel?
- What Are The Benefits And Disadvantages Of Taking A Personal Injury Case To Trial?
- Does Winning At Trial Guarantee A Larger Settlement, Or Could The Plaintiff End Up With Less Than The Original Settlement Amount?
- What Do You Advise Your Clients To Do (Or Not Do) During The Course Of Litigation? How Do People Inadvertently Hurt Their Cases?
- How Does Your Courtroom Persona And Past Experience Help Your Clients Prior To And During Litigation?
How Important Is Following Doctor’s Orders For My Personal Injury Claim?
It is highly recommended that you follow the orders your doctor gives you, because the doctor is the expert; they are treating you, putting hands on you, evaluating you, and deciding what is best for you. With that said, personal injury attorneys understand that life happens, and that you may need to miss an appointment for an important childcare or work-related issue. I would simply advise you to be brutally honest when discussing gaps in treatment. If you explain to me that you missed some appointments because you needed to go to work, that will demonstrate your character and work ethic, which will show that you are not just trying to get some money out of your case. It will show that you are doing everything that you can to resume normalcy, and that’s important. For these reasons, I’m not usually terribly worried about short gaps in treatment. However, if the gap in treatment is a year or two and you told your doctor at one point that you were feeling completely fine, then you might have problems showing causation between the accident and the injury.
At our office, we will keep an open dialogue with you and always consider your story—not just the facts of your case. We spend a lot of time with our clients to understand and feel what it’s like to be them. I had a client who described how extremely difficult it was for them just to get out of bed each day; in order to really understand their experience, I actually went to their home just to see what it would be like to be them for a morning. In order to tell that client’s story in a meaningful way to a jury, I needed to experience it first…Read More
What Are The Personal Injury Damages That I Can Claim?
In personal injury cases, damages are awarded to the injured person who suffered harm or injury at the hands of another party or entity. Damages are intended to compensate the injured party or “make them whole.” In most cases, making someone “whole” is not an easy endeavor. Due to the nature of some injuries, a person might never be the same again physically and/or emotionally. As a result, damages are a way to attempt some form of recompense or restitution. If you are trying to figure out your damages after a personal injury, it is highly advised to seek the legal assistance of a personal injury attorney who has vast experience representing clients in Davie, FL and Broward County.
A personal injury attorney can assess your case and determine the damages that apply to your claim. The following are the most common types of damages collected in a personal injury claim:
- Medical Treatment: Since personal injuries require medical care, it stands to reason that the injured person will need to receive medical treatment for their recovery. As such, a person who is injured and wins their claim will most likely obtain an award that includes ongoing medical care for the injury they sustained as well as rehabilitation, therapy, surgery, medication, medical devices, and other relevant medical needs.
- Medical Bills and Expenses: Medical treatments for a personal injury go hand-in-hand with medical expenses. Consequently, medical costs can quickly add up. As a result, the at-fault party will have to pay for these costs if found liable. For more information on medical bills and damages, contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney.
- Loss of Wages: If the injured party is unable to work or ever return to work, they could get compensated for lost income. In order to figure loss of wages, it is best to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney who is well-versed in these types of damages.
- Pain and Suffering: Pain and suffering is normally awarded to victims who suffer from physical anguish and discomfort as a result of the accident. Pain and suffering is considered non-economic damages.
- Emotional Distress: The impact of an injury can lead to emotional trauma. The consequences of an incident can introduce anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mental health issues. Damages for emotional distress could be obtained if a mental health care provider can substantiate the claim.
- Loss of Enjoyment: If an accident prevents a person from enjoying their everyday life, such as hobbies, cooking, and performing recreational activities, they could get compensation for loss of enjoyment.
- Loss of Consortium: If a spouse, child, or family member is directly affected by the injuries sustained by the victim, loss of consortium damages could be awarded. Usually, loss of consortium is given to a spouse who can no longer have an intimate relationship with the victim.
- Wrongful Death: If an individual dies due to their personal injury, or because of a negligent or intentional act, the family members can pursue damages for wrongful death. Wrongful death cases can be complex. As such, it is essential to enlist an expert personal injury attorney for assistance.
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(954) 546-7608