12555 Orange Drive
Suite 233
Davie, FL 33330
Attorney Micah Longo of the Davie law firm The Longo Firm says, “the truth is that older workers applying for jobs receive fewer callbacks than younger applicants, making it harder to get hired. The LA Times recently did a study that found “women are more susceptible to age discrimination than men.
Why might older women suffer relatively more from age discrimination? Research indicates that physical attractiveness boosts hiring. Studies also show there is an “attractiveness penalty for age, which is harsher for men than for women. Also, the law that protects women from sexual harassment/discrimination (Title VII and FCRA) is a different law than the one that protects everyone from Age discrimination (ADEA), thus it’s harder for women to win claims based on sex and age in Court.
The Age Discrimination and Employment Act is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against a worker in the terms and conditions of employment because of the employee’s age. The federal law applies to employees who are at least 40 years old. So, if you’ve over 40 years old and you’ve suffered some adverse employment action and the employer took that action because of your age, you may have an Age Discrimination Claim.”
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The Longo Firm
Micah J. Longo
12555 Orange Drive, Ste. 233
Davie, FL 33330
Tel: (954) 862-3608
Fax: (954) 944-1916
Attorney Micah Longo is the founding member
and managing attorney of The Longo Firm. A
Pennsylvania native, Micah Longo...Read More