Personal Injury
Factors When Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney Choosing the right personal injury attorney is essential for the success of your case. Here are the basic qualifications and qualities necessary for an attorney worth hiring to exhibit. Our Mission and Core Values At The Longo Firm, our mission is to help people whenever we can, to provide a flicker of hope to someone who may be having a tough time, and to demonstrate with our actions that love and compassion are not meaningless or hollow words. Our core values guide every action we take, ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of care and attention. Having Courage And Trial Experience You want an attorney who is not afraid to take on tough cases and is willing to go to trial if necessary. Many attorneys may…Read More
What Evidence Do I Need To Make A Claim? The incident report is central to a personal injury claim. In a car accident case, this would be the crash report, while in a slip-and-fall case, it would be the incident report from the property owner. These documents provide a detailed account of what happened, who was involved, and any initial observations. Witness statements are also critical. If there are any witnesses to the incident, getting their contact information and statements is essential. Witnesses not directly involved in the incident can provide unbiased and credible accounts, significantly strengthening your claim. Obtaining the 911 audio recordings can be very helpful in car accident cases. These recordings often contain real-time descriptions from witnesses or those involved, offering vivid details about the incident's severity. Phrases like major accident or…Read More
What To Bring When preparing for your first meeting with a personal injury attorney, gathering and bringing as much relevant information as possible will facilitate a productive discussion. Remember that, ultimately, as good as it is to bring these items, don't worry if you don't have everything. Your attorney can obtain the documents they'll need through their usual processes as necessary. However, having them upfront can dramatically streamline your case and speed up the initial evaluation. Driver Exchange Form This form contains critical details about the drivers involved and their insurance companies in car crash cases. Police Report If you have it, bring the police report. This document provides a detailed account of the incident, which can be a significant asset in understanding and building your case. Having this report will give you confidence and…Read More
Common Personal Injuries Cases In Florida, personal injuries tend to revolve around motor vehicle crashes. This includes cars, rideshare vehicles like Uber and Lyft, trucks, tractor-trailers, motorcycles, and golf carts. Bicycle and pedestrian crashes, typically involving motor vehicles, also fall into this category. Beyond motor vehicle accidents, there are many slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall cases. A common accident scene in personal injury cases is uneven sidewalks with more than a half-inch difference in elevation, creating a tripping hazard. Many cities and municipalities must regularly identify these areas and rely on residents to report them. Uneven or poorly maintained walkways, whether due to sinking sidewalks or slippery surfaces that need to be adequately maintained, are also common culprits. Slip and fall cases also often occur in stores, as do other premises liability cases. These require proving that…Read More
The Basics Understanding the distinction between a personal injury claim and a lawsuit is crucial. A claim, which is made directly with an insurance company, aims to resolve the matter without court involvement. This approach, if successful, can lead to an amicable settlement, thereby avoiding or preempting a lawsuit. Personal injury claims cover a wide range of incidents where someone is hurt due to another person's fault. These can include: Car crashes Slip and falls Trip and falls Pedestrian accidents Bicycle accidents Dangerous products Animal bites Medical malpractice Workplace injuries, including workers' compensation claims In essence, any injury that unexpectedly disrupts your life through no fault can qualify for a personal injury claim. This also extends to wrongful death cases, where someone has tragically passed away due to an accident or injury. Florida’s Comparative Negligence…Read More
No one wants to be injured. Yet, one day- you are. What makes this situation even worse is the fact that your injury was not your fault, but due to the carelessness or malice of someone else. In an instance like this, a personal injury claim is often the right move. A Davie, FL personal injury claim is filed when you have suffered injuries at the hands of someone else that result in pain, medical bills, and other inconveniences. Common personal injury claims include car accident injuries, dog bites, and slip-and-fall cases. In order to file a personal injury claim, you’ll need a few things: #1 First, see a doctor or other medical professional. One of the most important things you must do after an accident is to see a doctor. Your full injuries may not be…Read More
A fall can injure much more than your pride, especially if you are a senior citizen or suffer from a pre-existing health problem. While some people may slip in a puddle and be fine, others can suffer long-term and even lifelong issues, such as broken bones and mental trauma. It is also possible to need to miss quite a bit of work while you recover, resulting in serious financial losses. If this has happened to you, you don’t need to be told how upsetting it is to have your life turned upside down by just a moment. Even more upsetting is how your fall could have been prevented if someone else were doing what they were legally supposed to. If your fall was the result of a property owner or someone else not taking the…Read More
In this article I’m going to explain Florida’ PIP emergency medical condition (“EMC”) 14-day rule. Suppose you go to the ER immediately after an accident, but don’t see another doctor until 20-days later. Are you entitled to the full $10,000 in PIP benefits? Initial Treatment: 14-Day Rule In Florida, you have 14-days to seek “initial treatment” after an accident to get the full $10,000 of PIP benefits. The key phrase is initial treatment. Initial treatment can be with a chiropractor, medical doctor, emergency room, or urgent care clinic. You’ll still need a certification from a doctor (other than a chiropractor) confirming you’ve suffered an emergency medical condition (“EMC”). An EMC certification doesn’t have to be issued within 14-days, only initial treatment. Often times a patient goes to the ER after an accident but doesn’t follow-up with another doctor for…Read More
How much a slip and fall case is worth in Florida depends on three (3) basic things: liability, damages, and insurance coverage. Every case is different but these factors determine how much money you could get from a slip and fall case. For the purpose of this article we’ll assume there is insurance coverage. This is rarely an issue because most slip and falls occur on commercial property which carry million dollar policies. You’ll want to find out how much coverage is available by contacting the property owner and demanding they report the incident to their insurance carrier. If you hire an attorney, which I highly recommend, they will handle this for you. Liability Answering the question do I have a good slip and fall case starts with determining liability. Liability means fault. Florida property owners have a…Read More
Every once in awhile I get to step into the shoes of my clients. Recently I was doing some heavy lifting and I hurt my trapezius muscle. The trapezius muscle is one of the major muscles of your back and extends into your neck and shoulders. Today, I’m in excruciating pain. It hurts to even move. Forget about turning the right. I have to move my entire torso to look to my right while driving. The thing is in a few days the pain will go away. I will have little memory of the living hell I’m going through today. That is why keeping a daily journal after an accident is so important. Write Everyday After an accident I suggest that you pick up a small composition notebook. In that book you’ll document how your feeling and…Read More